21 Februari 2009

MEDICAL CHECK-UP YANG TIDAK AKURAT MEMBAWA KORBAN [innacurate medical check-up caused victim]

Banyumas -- Pada tanggal 20 Februari 2009, Tarisun mendatangi Paguyuban Seruni, Banyumas untuk meminta bantuan penanganan kasus yang menimpa istrinya, Suwarti yang saat ini berada di penampungan di Jakarta. Sebelum berangkat ke Jakarta, Suwarti melakukan medical check-up di Klinik An-Nur, Purwokerto didampingi salah satu pegawai PPTKIS Cabang Purwokerto. Dari hasil medical check-up tersebut, pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2008, Suwarti dinyatakan fit.

Pada tanggal 5 November 2009, Suwarti berangkat ke penampungan di Jakarta. 1 minggu setelah tiba di penampungan, Suwarti melakukan medical check-up dan hasilnya masih samar-samar. Lalu 2 minggu kemudian dilakukan medical check-up lagi dan ternyata hasilnya Suwarti positif hamil. Namun setelah diketahui positif hamil, Suwarti tetap diproses menjadi CTKI oleh PT Mitra Makmur Jaya Abadi sampai saat ini. Dan hal kehamilan Suwarti juga tidak diberitahukan oleh pihak PPTKIS Pusat maupun cabang kepada suami/keluarga Suwarti di Banyumas.

Pada awal Februari lalu, Suwarti rencana akan diterbangkan ke Hongkong, namun sebelum itu dilakukan medical check-up lagi. Hasil medical check-up itu menunjukkan bahwa Suwarti positif hamil 3 bulan. Selanjutnya, Suwarti memberitahu suaminya dan meminta suaminya untuk menghubungi sponsor/PPTKIS Cadang untuk mengurus pemulangannya. Setelah dihubungi, sponsor mengatakan jika Suwarti ingin dipulangkan, maka harus menebus dengan uang sejumlah Rp. 3.000.000,-. Saat ini, Seruni Tengah mengupayakan pemulangan Suwarti tanpa pungutan biaya. [lp]


Banyumas -- On 20 February 2009, Tarisun came to Seruni, Banyumas to seek paralegal assistance for the case faced by his wife, Suwarti who is presently in a pregnant condition at a holding center in Jakarta. Before going to Jakarta, Suwarti took medical check-up at An-Nur Clinic, Purwokerto. She was assisted by one of the staffs of the local recruitment agency in Purwokerto. The result of the medical check-up dated on 28 October 2008 stated that Suwarti was fit.

On 5 November 2009, Suwarti left for jakarta. After 1 week arriving at the holding center, Suwarti took medical check-up again. The result was vague at first. Then 2 weeks later another medical check-up was conducted with a result showing that Suwarti was positively pregnant. Despite knowing that Suwarti was pregant, up to now she is still processed to work abroad as a migrant worker by Mitra Makmur Jaya overseas recruitment agency. Apart from that, the recruitment agency have not informed to the family in Banyumas about her pregnancy.

At the beginning of this February, Suwarti was planned to be sent to Hongkong but before that she had to take another medical check-up. The result showed that she was positively 3 months pregnant. Suwarti then informed her husband and asked him to contact the sponsor/local recruitment agency to assist her to return home. When contacted, the sponsor said that if Suwarti wanted to go home then she must pay Rp. 3.000.000 [approx USD 300]. Seruni is now assisting this case in order to bring Suwarti back home without charge. [lp]

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